
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Which dress....?

Dear readers,

Yesterday I was introduced to AX Paris by a friend of mine (thanks Ruth!) and I must admit that they have some gorgeous clothes!

I had noticed some of these clothes a while back in some stores here in Malta, but I didn't know that they were from Ax (good to know now).

and today they have 40% off on a vast selection of lovely dresses!

So, which dress would you wear?

via Ax Paris

via Ax Paris

via Ax Paris

via Ax Paris

via Ax Paris




  1. yeah and it's nice to have a long sleeved (albeit chiffon) dress for winter

  2. glad you loved them... i bought one which is a strapless mocha with a slight bronzy shimmer to it. the good thing is that clothes and delivery are not that much expensive plus they ship really fast

  3. yes I loved them! and I loved nearly all of them haha which is saying something because I'm really picky! thanks again for introducing it to me!

    p.s don't forget to press 'follow' on the side of this page, will appreciate it immensely xx

  4. Hi! I know The Doll's House which stocked their clothes. You can find them on facebook.

  5. They are all gorgeous but personally I would choose the second dress :)


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