
Thursday, 3 January 2013

[Costume] Jewellery Storage

Dear readers,

Today I wanted to share with you how I store my costume jewellery (even though this can be used for more expensive jewellery - but I prefer to leave those in their original boxes).

Up to about a couple of months ago, my jewellery storage was a complete mess. I had a lot of misplaced earrings which I couldn't find or remember where I put them and necklaces all over the place which would inevitably end up in knots.....well, you know what I mean.

One day when I was browsing in a household store this drawer thingy caught my eye - originally it is used for storing nails, washers and the sorts, but I though that it would be perfect for storing my jewellery.

It has 36 narrow/small drawers and 6 larger ones. All drawers come with a black plastic separator which you can pull out in order to store larger items.

Hope I gave you some ideas on how to store your jewellery,




  1. Oh Lorraine, i think ive seen these at home mate and thought of them as useful storage!! What a great idea!!

    Stefy x♥x
    Fashion + Beauty

    1. I got them from Home mate in fact hehe =) Thanks


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