
Sunday, 9 March 2014

Homemade 'Baci' Chocolates [Recipe]

Dear readers,

Happy Sunday!

It's been a while since I last shared a recipe with you [and I've been quite the baker lately], so I though of sharing with you this easy and quick recipe for 'Baci' chocolates.

For those of you who don't know, Baci chocolates are made in Italy and are a favourite in Malta [along with several other Italian chocolates].

p.s. 'baci' mean kisses

You will need:

1 jar of Nutella
around 450 grams of roasted hazlenuts
some extra hazlenuts
dark chocolate [or milk if you prefer]

First off you have to bash the hazlenuts until they're quite small - but take care not to turn them into dust. Omit a couple of hazlenuts (I dare say around 30 should be more than enough) for decoration.

Pop the lid off the jar of Nutella and place it in the micro for about 50 seconds, or until it's smooth and a bit runny [it will make mixing it easier]. 

Place it in a bowl [sorry for the pink hue but I used a pink plastic bowl]

Add the crushed hazlenuts and mix well with a wooden spoon. Now I should have added a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder to the mixture to make it less runny, but I forgot to buy some [but they did turn out ok in the end]

Pop the mixture in the fridge or freezer until it firms up but is still manageable. 

Roll the mixture into balls [yes it's messy but you get to lick your hands after you're done] and place on a non stick baking sheet. Put some hazlenuts on each ball.

It is important to pop these in the freezer for about 20 mins to set.

In the meantime melt some chocolate in a double boiler or microwave [depending on the instructions].

Pop each chocolate ball in the melted chocolate using a fork, then once covered tap the fork on the side of the bowl so as to remove excess chocolate.

Place on the greaseproof paper, pop in the fridge and leave to set.

...and hey presto! yummy 'baci' chocolates!




  1. They look delicious ! Your gonna make me go off my diet !

    Ella x

  2. They look amazing x

  3. These look fantastic! Do you think this would taste good with white chocolate? My hubs isn't a fan of dark or milk

    OhCindyrella~ Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. I used dark choc so as to keep as faithful as i could to the original, but i guess that you can use any kind of chocolate . White sounds yummy :)


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