
Tuesday, 30 September 2014

The BEST Strapless Bra Ever [Review]

Are you big busted and tired of spending huge amounts of money on 'miracle' strapless bras, and then get tired of hoisting it up all night long? Or of bras which do not give you enough support?

Have you always wanted to buy pretty strapless gowns or tops but always shied away from getting them because you were scared or not comfortable of wearing strapless bras?

Then read on to find out which bra saved my life [ok that's a bit melodramatic - but big boobed ladies will know what I mean]

The solution to all your strapless problems is this baby here - the Wonderbra Ultimate Strapless Bra!

Wonderbra? I hear you say. Aren't those meant to make your boobs larger? But no! This strapless bra goes up to a G cup and it works like no other strapless!

The reason is that on the inside of the cup it has this sort of 4 spoke / handed shape which feels exactly as if you were holding yourself up with your hands.

So you can jiggle, dance and even do cartwheels with this Wonderbra on without risking of falling out of your bra.

It honestly feels [and looks] like you are wearing a normal, strapped bra.

It is a great piece of engineering!

Since it has 'hands' this bra is non wired and the smooth/seamless cup means that you can wear the slinkiest, tightest of tops without the seams showing.

It also offers great support and uplift. Believe me when I tell you that I was quite wary of trying this on, but now I cannot stop singing its praises.

It comes in black, nude and lace.

Hope you found this review helpful.

Much love,



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